Mega Blood Donation Drive

Mega Blood Donation Drive (MBDD) project is a sub-wing of Akhil Bhartiya Terapanth Yuvak Parishad (ABTYP) that pledges to serve the country through community services. The Mega Blood Donation Drive exists to make India blood sufficient. Our country is currently deficient in about 2 million blood units. The ongoing pandemic and the vaccination have blown this deficiency to further lower levels. With our continuous efforts, we were able to get ourselves featured in the prestigious Guinness World Records (2014) to organize the highest Blood Donation at multiple locations and collect 100212 blood units in a single day.

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Aayam Core Team

Hitesh Bhandia


Saurabh Patawari


Blood is the main reason we all are alive; the blood (RBC) carries oxygen from the lungs to all the parts of our body. The moment this process is hampered, a person’s life is in danger. That’s why during many accident cases, the victim dies due to excessive blood loss or brain haemorrhage.

Team Members


Public Relations/Marketing Team

Rajan Lamba

Post Donation Care Team

Paarth Bharadwaj

IT Support

Arun Chaube

Volunteer Coordinator

Upcoming Events

Surat Mega Blood Donation Drive

Whole blood donation is the most common type of blood donation. During this donation, you donate about a pint (about half a liter) of whole blood.
Date: 03/07/2024
Time: 11:43 AM
Venue: Surat


Recognition And Partnership

Indian Red Cross Societ

Indian Red Cross Societ

Borivali Blood Center

Borivali Blood Center

Federation Of Bombay

Federation Of Bombay Blood Bank

Rotary Blood Bank Delhi

Rotary Blood Bank Delhi

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Voluntary Blood Donation Programme

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